The Music of Your Life

I was talking to the worship leader at Larkhall Baptist Church this afternoon and of course shared my baby steps in music, which although small are so exciting to me. Its like my new interest in drawing and painting, inspired by the contemplative writer Christine Paintner. These are whole new worlds to explore, worlds I have never seen, and where each new view is full of wonder and excitement, much as a little child looks at the world. And as I was going into a supermarket to buy food this thought was racing through my mind when all of a sudden it occured to me that my life is like music, but music that has been missing key notes and key instruments. I was deaf to their notes and to all extents and purposes they didn't exist. But life is about learning to listen to the notes, to use the notes, and to play well. So today I was pleased that two missing notes in my life - art and music - are now starting to be heard faintly, and I hope one day to play well.


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